what is Linux File Permission?
Every file, directory, and other system objects in Linux are assigned an owner and a group. Owners, users belonging to a group, and all others may be granted different types of access to read from, write to, or execute files. ... This is generally referred to as file permissions in Linux.
Subject: Linux Administrator Exp
No. 5
Aim of the Experiment: Linux File Permission
Software Required:
1. VMware
2. Rhel 7.0
Theory: To change directory and file permission in Linux, Each file and directory in Linux has three permission levels which define how a user can access a particular file or directory. These levels are user/owner, group and other. Each permission level has three type of permission; read, write and execute. This type of permission defines what a user can do with a particular object.
owner: The
Owner permissions apply only the owner of the file or directory, they will not
impact the actions of other users.
group: The
Group permissions apply only to the group that has been assigned to the file or
directory, they will not effect the actions of other users.
other: The other permissions apply to all other users on the system.
Each file or directory has three basics
permission types:
read: The
Read permission refers to a user’s capability to read the contents of the file.
write: The Write permissions refer to a user’s
capability to write or modify a file or directory.
execute: The
Execute permission affects a user’s capability to execute a file or view the
contents of a directory.
check the permission : ls –l
see hidden file/directory also ls-al
It will show in this
form: -rwxrw-r--
hyphen ‘-’ It shows type of file
Suppose a file is there, name diploma and its permission is rwxrw-r--
rwx: Read Write Execute
rw-: Read and Write
r--: Only read
group defines: Owner can read, modify and execute the diploma file.
groups: Group can read and modify
the file, but can’t execute
group: Others can read only the diploma file.
Now to Change the permission
command is chmod
add the permission we use ‘+’
remove the permission we use ‘-’
chmod g+x diploma now group
members can execute the diploma file
chmod o+w diploma Now others
can modify the file
chmod g-w diploma Now
group members cant modify the file
chmod u-x diploma
Now owner cant execute the file diploma
we can do it by
using Number also:
We will use command chmod
set permissions of diploma to –rw-r—r-- chmod 644 diploma
To set permission of diploma to –rwxrwxrwx chmod
777 diploma
set permission of file1 to drw-rw-r-- chmod 664 file1
set permission of file2 to -r---w---x chmod 421file2
We can set the file permission by using umask value.
check the umask value #umask :022(mine)
A umask
of 022 basically means don't remove any permissions from the base value for
"user" but "group" and "other" is not allowed write
the command is.. chmod 755 file_name
Like this we can change the access
permission of a particular file…
Conclusion: In this experiment I learned to change the
file access permission with two commands chown
and chmod. And get familiar with umask. Now I
can change any file permission by using these command…
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