Subject: Linux Administrator                                                      Exp No. :  


Aim of the Experiment: To create repository server and connect it to client



Software Required:

1.     VMware

2.     Rhel 7.0







                        Repository Server:  Repository server is the central storage location where all software packages are stored, from there our system can installs OS updates and applications. Each repository is a collection of software.   






Ø  First we will login as root

Ø  We will check, on the desktop, whether the Rhel-7 software file is showing or not.

§  If not: follow the process (VM àSettingàCD/DVD àDevice         StatusàCheck connected à Ok).

§  If yes:

Ø  Make a Directory, name “mnt” in root(/). As (mkdir /mnt)

Ø  We will mount the “dev/sr0” content in “mnt” dir. As (mount  /dev/sr0  /mnt)

Ø  we will go to Packages file. As (cd  /mnt/Packages).

Ø  Here we will install some Packages. As (rpm-ivh createrepo* deltarpm* python-         deltarpm* vsftpd* ftp* --nodeps –force).

Ø  Then we will make a directory, DVD. As (mkdir /var/ftp/pub/dvd)

Ø  Now we will copy file content in the DVD dir. As (cp –rvf * /var/ftp/pub/dvd).

Ø  Now from the root directory we will create a repository file, name “dvd.repo”. As (createrepo –v /var/ftp/pub/dvd)

Ø  Then we will configure the repo server. As(vim /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo)






·       Then save it by (esc+:wq)


Ø  After saving the configuration, we will restart the ftp service. 

-as (systemctl restart vsftpd  then  systemctl enable vspd)

Ø  Then we will disable the Firewall

Now we will configure Client Machine:

·       # vim /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo






·       Then save it by (esc+:wq)




Now we have successfully configured the Repository and connected to client.  To be confirm, you can Install Samba Package, as (yum install samba).   Samba will be installed… 








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