Subject: Linux Administrator                                                      Exp No.:  4


Aim of the Experiment:   File System Hierarchy



Software Required:  Linux Operating System




            File System Hierarchy: In the Linux System, all files are stored in a file system, which are organized on a single inverted tree of directories, known as File System Hierarchy.





1.      Power on the virtual Machine

2.      Opened the Terminal


It’s the structure, how File System Hierarchy Looks:


            The top one “/” is the Root Directory.

            And the downsides are called subdirectories.

Every particular directory has a particular task, means you will get different type of working data in each and every particular directory.


                        /: (root) Every single files and directories starts form root direcrory.

/bin:  This directory contains executable programs which are needed in single user mode and to bring the system up or repair it.

                        /boot: Booting files are contained here.

                        /dev:  It contains all system devices files.

                        /etc:   It contains configuration files.

/home: Here, regular users keep their personal data and configuration file.

/root:  Home directory of root user, which is not same as /.

/run:  It contains runtime data like: ID files and Lock files.

/sbin: This directory holds commands needed to boot the system, but which are usually not executed by normal users.

                        /tmp:  It contains temporary files.

/usr:   It contains installed software, files and static read only program data.   Some directories are also here:

/usr/bin:  Temporary files that is preserved between system reboots.

 /usr/sbin: This directory contains program binaries for system administration   which are not essential for the boot process, for mounting /usr, or for system repair. 

/usr/local:  The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when installing software locally.

/var:  It contains Dynamic contents (database, cache directories, log  file, log file, websites data).



By doing this experiment, I learned to check which directories contain which types of files and about File System Hierarchy.




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