Subject: Linux Administrator Exp No.: 1
Aim of the Experiment: To create a virtual machine and install rhel 7 in that machine
Software Required: VMware, rhel7 iso file
Theory: VMware is desktop software. It runs on Microsoft windows, Linux and macOS. Here we can run Operating System whatever we want , we can install Linux products (Rhel, Ubuntu, Kali etc.) on a Windows OS. And we can also run Windows products on Linux, by the help of VMware.
Rhel 7.0:- Rhel stands for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. And 7.0 means, it’s the 7th version of Rhel. And it is a distribution of Linux operating system. It is an open source Operating System.
1. First I downloaded the VMware workstation software file and Rhel7.0 iso file.
Then installed the VMware in Windows Operating System.
3. After that create a virtual machine in VMware.
4. And attached the Rhel 7.0 iso file with the CD/DVD of that particular virtual machine.
5. Then started to install the OS by following the appropriate procedures.
6. In middle that made two users & passwords for user and Root.
7. In the last few steps, some advance and important steps were there , I went through that very attentively. Like partitions of Storages, desktop Interface and some other.
8. And after reboot , my system was ready to Go…
Some snapshots I am attaching:
Installed the VMware workstation-
Installed the Rhel7.0 operating System-
Finally I am able to use the Linux OS in my Windows.
Name:- Pankaj kumar
Date:- 06/11/2021
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